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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Real Living Christmas Edition

What a welcomed sight I came home to last night my favourite magazine Real Living was poking out of the mail box. This meant a night off from researching on You-Tube how to remove a bathroom window (I kid you not!) and instead I spent the night with a glass of wine flipping through the mags Chrissy edition.

There's lots of great ideas for making your own wrapping paper and decorations and I've always wanted to make an avent calendar too so this year could be the year!

I've started making my own Christmas Cards early this year (you can see last years lot here) and everyone seems to like getting a hand made card so that keeps me sticking with the tradition for the 3rd year in a row now.

Do you make your own Chrissy decorations, wrap or cards?
[All images via Real Living]

1 comment:

  1. Seeing as I am lazing around at home this year I want to do heaps of handmade Christmassy stuff (so far not much has happened though)

    Last year I made my own Christmas cards and some crochet stars for the Christmas tree. This year I want to make a wreath, more decorations, cards, some presents and perhaps an advent calendar too! Bring on the Christmas crafting mojo!


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