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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Book Review: The Catcher In The Rye By J D Salinger

I felt like reading a classic for a change and grabbed this book off the library shelf The Catcher In The Rye by J D Salinger

This is the story of teenager, Holden Caulfield who gets kicked out of his fourth school and spends a few days kicking around in the big wide world before making the trip back to his parent's house to face the music.

At first I really liked the way this book was written, clearly by a teenagers mind and the simplicity of the words and repeating the story and explaining himself to make sure you were following. Holden Caulfield is a great story teller and I could just imagine myself talking to him as I was reading the book.

But then somehow I got tired of him and his strange mood swings and dark thoughts and wanted to just give him a bit of a shake and tell him to grow up. Then I'd feel sorry for him and want to give him a hug and cup of hot chocolate. Towards the end of this book I honestly didn't know if this teenager was heading for a mental hospital or if he was just being a teenager. He is extremely sensitive, intelligent and attractive which is possibly a dangerous mix.

I'm still confused about the moral of the story because the book just ended - I hate that when the story just ends and you're left wondering what on earth becomes of this guy.

I read the Penguin book version, not sure if that is shorter or makes a difference but if anyone else has read this I would love to hear your opinion on the ending.

I would recommend this book to the youth and those that like a classic old style read. I give this book 3 stars.

Jarrah Jungle's Star Rating:
1 Bad - I'd rather eat brussel sprouts topped with anchovies than read this again
2 Not Good - I'd rather watch re-runs of Neighbours than read this again
3 Ok - I'm sitting on the fence - its not great but not terrible either
4 Good - I'd pass up a pack of tim tams for this read
5 Great - I'd pass up a date with Johnny Depp for this read

[Image via Penguin]

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