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Friday, July 27, 2012

Fridays Letters - Dear Autocorrect

Thank god it's Friday! I have had a full on week at work and I'm so glad I can let off some steam with my Dear Friday letters thanks to linky party over at Adventures of Newlyweds

I am imagining I'm writing this weeks letters at this fresh light and bright home office I'll be tapping away at the keyboard and staring out the window at that pretty view

Dear Autocorrect - I'd rather my one word be spelt wrong than your totally unrelated word added to my sentence.

Dear Bad Day - I'm glad I found this quote don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life it's so true but sometimes hard to take in when you're having a bitch of a day!  

Dear Friends - I need to find time to see you more ... dinners, movies and quiz nights are high on my priority list with you next month.

Dear Exterior Paint Stuff Up - I felt like a right git painting the house lime green instead of limestone and I'm now $190 worse off. Note to self - don't make those amateur mistakes again and don't listen to the paint chick when picking colours!

Dear Interior Design Dreams - I'm following my love of interior design and just enrolled in a 6 week, 1 night a week Interior Design Course. I'm really exiting about it and hope I learn a lot to turn my lil ole house into an amazing home.

[Image via my Pinterest source]


  1. That's awesome you found an inspirational quote on your bad day. I had one this week as well, and I need some motivation as well. Thanks for the comment on my Friday's letter. Have a fabulous weekend! hugs, april

  2. I like this Friday letters concept and enjoyed reading yours. Be interested to hear about the interior design course as have been thinking of doing something similar myself. Have a great weekend. Gx

  3. You will be so great at your interior design course. It's perfect for you!

    Lime green instead of limestone? That is a bit of a mistake mistake. Lime green is very nice though:)

    Hope your weekend is great.

  4. Love that quote (and i definitely needed it, thank you)

    Stop by and say hi sometime!

  5. My autocorrect ALWAYS changes SO to DO. I HATE it! Look at all those caps in that sentence...obviously I mean business!

  6. you just cracked me up with your autocorrect comment... how true that is!!

    Oh and I have been having problems with my google account, but it let me follow your blog via twitter through your GFC, who knew you could even do that?!

  7. OH the course sounds awesome! So helpful with your renovations!

  8. hate autocorrect, love the office space!

    have a great weekend! come say hello at

  9. LOVE that office! How exciting re: your course! Is that the one up at Homebase? x


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