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Friday, July 20, 2012

Fridays Letters - Dear Paint Tin

It's Friday which means it's time for this weeks Friday's Letters link up party, if you want to meet some lovely bloggers and play along head on over to Ashley's blog Adventures of Newlyweds and join in the fun

I'm imagining I'm writing this weeks letters from this welcoming wooden desk with its funky gold frame photo board, I'll be writing on some pretty writing paper with a cappuccino in hand

Dear Paint Tin - Why did the paint run out when there was only a few panels left to paint in the garage ceiling? I had to do a mercy dash to Bunnings and I got paint on my non painting clothes and my seatbelt!
Dear Ted the Movie - You were as funny as everyone made you out to be. Thanks for the belly laughs, laughter really is the best medicine and just what I needed.
Dear Hairdressers - I'm booked in for a cut colour and styling tomorrow and really looking forward to some pampering. So glad you could fit me in.
Dear My Bookclub Choice The End Of Mr Y - I have picked you for my Bookclub girls to read next month, fingers crossed you're a great book - don't let me down!
Dear Target - You did it again and filled my trolley with homewares all on sale and made me take home a new floor lamp, bath mat runners, towels, horse head book ends, the list goes on! Buying on sale definitely means you're allowed to buy twice as much.
Dear Chilli Chocolate - You are hot and spicy and sweet and bitter at the same time. I like you but I don't quite know why.


[Image via Pinterest source]


  1. Ah I am jealous! Some time at the salon getting my hair done sounds wonderful.

  2. The thing I love most about your Friday letters is definitely the little imagery you provide! Have loved every single of the desks!

    I am DYING to see Ted!! Feel like the only not to have seen it!

  3. I love Target! And yes, it means you can buy twice as much! My husband tells me it's the only reason he lets me shop. Have a great Friday! :)

  4. The desk? LOVE it.
    Oh, good golly, Target is the best . . . and the worst. It seems that, no matter what I go in there for, I always leave with so much STUFF. And I am not a big shopper . . . but, oh Target . . . such kryptonite . . .

  5. Chilli chocolate sounds interesting! And I get you on your note to Target - there's always something awesome to buy! I went there to buy tweezers and ended up spending way over what I expected and this happened EVERY TIME! Haha! It's my first time on your blog by the way and I love it! New follower here :)


  6. enjoy your haircut! I could really use one too! and I LOVE target and have gone there way to many times this summer!!

  7. I can't even imagine how much stuff i'll buy from target when I have my own place to decorate!

  8. AnonymousJuly 22, 2012

    oooh Target, so good but oh so dangerous. Too bad there's not one where I live. Saves me a lot of money but when I go home to visit it's going to be the first place I visit!


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