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Monday, July 30, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award Goes To ...

I was pleasantly surprised to be nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by the sweet Allie of This Yellow House (formerly called The Inspired Momma) thanks so much Allie! While we share a love of home design and DIY, Allie also juggles a young family and has identical twin boys!

This Yellow House

Liebster is German for "dearest." The purpose of the Liebster Award is to help "newbie" blogs with less that 200 followers get noticed with a sort of sweet "Shout Out" of attention, and likewise, a sort of "Pay It Forward" is included, to help other blogs get due notice and attention.

How it works:
To receive the award, the following is in order:
(1)Make a Post about your win putting the award button in your post.
(2)Link back to (& follow)the blogger who nominated you the award.
(3)Pick five blogs with less than 200 followers that you feel deserving of the Liebster Award, and leave them a comment on their blog to let them know you've nominated them.
(4) Tell the 5 blogs you've chosen to 'Pay It Forward' and 'Share some Blog Love' by following the instructions for 5 more newbie blogs.
(5) Share five random facts about ourselves.

So here are 5 random facts about yours truly ...

1.  I am really scared of heights, especially if I'm up high and surrounded by glass windows, I can't look down because I'm petrified that I'm going to fall

2.  When I was 18 I asked my boss for 6 months unpaid leave so I could travel around the world with my parents and my brother ... and she said yes ... and off travelling I went!

3.  I am allergic to fluffy furry animals - cats, rabbits, guinea pigs - so while everyone else can cuddle their soft little pets I have to stand back and try not to sneeze!

4.  I love garlic so much that when I was a kid I use to eat a clove raw each night before bed to keep me healthy. Of course now I stick to the garlic tablets, bit more conscious of the garlic breathe nowadays!

5.  I own about 20 pairs of jeans and my newest pair are mint green skinny leg jeans ... the perfect colour for Spring

Here are 5 awesome blogs that I'm nominating for the Liebster Blog Award, please show them some support and go and say g'day ...

1.  Shabby Sweet Tea - Elyse from across the globe in North Carolina is a crafty cowgirl boot lover who is as sweet as the tea she drinks!

2.    IE Love - Christie is a fellow Aussie renovator who is not afraid of hard work and whom has just welcomed a little baby boy into her family

3.  In The Night Sky - Natalie has a home in trendy Melbourne that she is busy renovating and decorating in her awesome style

4.  Sassying It Up - Sarah's blog is full of recipes and family life and her posts are guaranteed to make you laugh and make you hungry!

5.  Where The Wind Blows Me - Jacqui's blog has delicious recipes and honest reviews of places to eat in Perth and surrounds

Congratulations ladies!

I hope you'll share the love and nominate 5 newbie bloggers and keep this Liebster Blog Award going. If you do be sure to let me know so I can check out your favourite newbie blogs  :)

[Image 1 and 3 icons via This Yellow House - Photograph my own]


  1. Aww thanks for the award! So nice of you! My first one! Im off reading more blogs now!!

  2. WOOOHOOO! Thanks girl! How sweet of you to nominate me. I have been given this award a few times but maybe I will play along again. It is super fun!

  3. Oh! and the picture of you in this post is amazing!! You have to die for eyes my friend.

  4. I'm totally scared of heights too, and I can't believe your boss let you off for 6 months. What a cool boss! Must be because it's a woman!

  5. I'm loving garlic!! I eat it all the time and one time I roasted an entire clove, ate it ALL then the next day went into the Dr and he said I reeked of it!!! I had NO idea I smelled. haha

    Thanks for coming over my way in blogland! :)
    Emily at Amazing Grapes

  6. Congrats on such a cool award! Hey, what brand of skinny jeans do you recommend? I would love to go get myself an orange pair but don't know where to start ...

  7. Congratulations on your award! Loved learning a little more about you. Your jeans sound awesome! Am off to visit some of the other blogs you've listed above...

  8. P.S Gorgeous pic of you!

  9. Congratulations on your award! Its well deserved. I do love reading your blog and seeing the progess on your house. Well done


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