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Friday, August 3, 2012

Fridays Letters - Dear Black Leather Boots

I'm all out of energy as Friday rolls in this week and plan to relax as much as possible this weekend (ok between renovating cleaning and cooking of course!)

I'm playing along with this weeks Friday's letters with a big thanks to the host Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds who is still hosting this fun link up on her holidays - now Ash, go have some fun! 

I'm imagining I'm writing this weeks letters curled up in this armchair surrounded by my love of books and sipping on a fruit smoothie

Dear Black Leather Boots - With you on I can jump through puddles and still look like a lady ... will kind of! Thanks for keeping my toes warm and dry this winter.

Dear Electrician - This is the 3rd weekend you're coming to put the lights and power into the garage. I'm pretty sure you keep coming back for my cordial and chocolate slice so please just finish the job already!

Dear Olympics - Doing jumping jacks while watching the Olympics on TV has definitely pushed me to do more than I thought I could! The athletes are so fit and toned the perfect inspiration to work out too.

Dear Body - I know your getting worn out so I've upped the vitamins and owe you a full body massage and sleep in this weekend.

Dear Miss C - Sending me flowers at work this week for 'no reason' just because you are a lovely friend. Thanks so much those bright pink flowers are just what me and my office needed for some brightening up.

Dear Liebster Blog Awards - It felt so good to give a shout out to my favourite newbie blogs ... there are so many wondering bloggers out there writing their little hearts out and it's nice for them to know they are appreciated and loved!


[Image via my Pinterest]


  1. Ah, i love the idea of sitting in a nice comfy armchair surrounded by books, and your chocolate slice needs to be shared all the way over here in London! Greedy electrician!!
    Thanks for your comment Michelle, have a good weekend,lots of sleep and rest!!! x

  2. Oh gosh. I watched just a smidgen of the swimming during the Olympics and those girls are out-of-control in shape! I looked down at my own arms and felt so sad. Oh and I love, love, love that picture of the bookshelves! I'm going to have to pin that!

  3. What an awesome idea to do jumping jacks while you watch the Olympics! Good thinking! Happy Friday!

  4. Gotta love the Olympics! Follwing you now, follow me back so we can keep reading. Have a great weekend. :)

  5. those book shelves are AMAZING! ill add that to my dream house wishlist :)

  6. love just the thought of all those books..
    my kids are glued to the Olympics too.. but they fight in between games instead of do jumping jacks.

  7. Every night when I come home from work and get changed into something a little bit more comfortable, I do some jumping jacks, skipping and high knees in my daily dose of exercise because I'm too lazy slash time poor to get to the gym

  8. I want to live in that room!

    Happy a great weekend! Drop by and say hello!

  9. Thanks for the award, I will play along when I find the time to do it properly! I love reading your Friday Letters, they always make me smile!


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