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Friday, July 2, 2010

The Hallway

The hallway is painted! It took a bit little longer than we thought as Pete hurt his neck (probably from painting the ceiling!) and I couldn’t help (pretty good excuse, apparently I'm too short to reach and no room to use the extension rod, works for me!). We didn't spend daaaaaays peel the paint off this time like we did for the other rooms, instead just sealed the walls really well along the skirting and ceiling and prayed the old paint won't lift (so far so good!). The hall is sooooooo fiddly with all the door frames and edging to go around and the frames had to be sanded back, coat of sealer and 2 coats of paint. Here's a photo during (you can actually see the roller at work in this one!) ...
And here's the after ....

The new colour is Mountain Peak in Dulux which is actually a British Paints colour but tints much crisper in Dulux. Looks gorgeous so fresh and modern dont you think?  Nearly the whole house is going to be painted in this colour, even the bedrooms, but in double strength. We want all the rooms to flow and fit together and think this is a good way to achieve that. Now the paintings done I can start on the decorating .... diy cards as art and black & white photo wall are next on the to do list. 


  1. I love the paint colour you've gone with - really fresh and crisp and I'm a big fan of using the same colour throughout a home to help all the rooms flow well. Thanks for stopping by my blog - it's nice to meet other bloggers from WA. I'll look forward to seeing more of your renovation and house projects.

  2. Thanks it took many tester pots later! Yes same to you :o)


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