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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Planning The Front House Design

Following on with the garage extension project and now the garage is built we need to plan the rest of the front house design

We know we need to put in retaining walls and a new fence between our house and the neighbors. Once its retained we can then lay a new driveway. We know we want to build a brick and timber fence all the way around the front of the house to make a courtyard with a garden and somewhere to sit and relax and watch the sunset


There are lots of questions about what we'll do ourselves and what we'll get the tradies in to do. Not to mention we have to figure out the design, style, colours, materials, etc  so it all comes together like the garden of my dreams ... here's the list so far
  • what the pathway to the front door will be made of and should it be the same as the driveway ?
  • what the driveway will be made of - plain concrete and painted ? exposed aggregate ?
  • what type of fence between the neighbors and our driveway - steel ? colour ?
  • what type of steps heading down to the courtyard area - concrete ? timber ?
  • should there be lawn - or artificial lawn ?
  • staggered paving and pebbles ?
  • timber decking or timber tiles ?
  • an ornamental feature - either a water feature or modern sculpture ?
  • space in the centre for a small outdoor setting with table and chairs
  • water wise hardy plants that love a beating from the sun as it gets full sunshine from lunchtime until the sunsets
  • feature pots near the front door and front windows
  • paint the front door - green? blue? red? black?

I've been sitting at home with my magazines tearing out pages of gardens I like the look of and scouring Pinterest for inspiration

I don't want to miss this opportunity to create the garden of my dreams but at the same time it all needs to work well together and be practical and adaptable to our rugged West Australian climate

One step at a time!


  1. I'm sure you'll come up with something great, Michelle. Good luck.

  2. A coloured door is a good idea, that will look great! Perhaps you can use some of that 'lime-stone' paint you bought and have a green door? ;P

    Have fun at this next planning stage, you are getting good at making decisions now so this should be a piece of cake!

  3. So many great pictures there for inspiration! My personal favourite is the first. SO SO SO in love with the wood & that font of numbers!! If anyone has ever fallen in love with a fence before....I can relate. haha

  4. some great photos.......i'm sure whatever you decide it will look great, i enjoyed designing the landscaping when we built {always a bummer though when you have to stick to a budget} lisa xx

  5. Gee, so many decisions to get everything to come together! Love those last two images - especially the turquoise door x

  6. I get so overwhelmed with all the great inspiration out there, I'm pretty sure I'd never be able to make a decision!And I'd be clueless about getting through that list of questions! Good luck, I can't wait to hear what you decide on :)


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