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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today Was One Of Those Days

I had a bitch of a day today

Something tells me I'm in need of a glass of wine

And a holiday!

Let's hope tomorrow is better than today


  1. Hope your tomorrow is better:)

    That first poster really gets it right. In the midst of a bad day it's so easy to think that life is bad. Not just today. It's only one bad day!

  2. Enjoy that wine and do a bit more cruise dreaming! I agree, the first poster has it! Well, they all do really. Hope tomorrow is better, even with the super cold morning it's going to start with!

  3. You came up with some good posters
    Hope the coming week is a good one

  4. AnonymousJuly 25, 2012

    It's great how a good glass of wine can solve mostly any problem ; ) Hope tomorrow is better! If not, there's always another bottle

  5. At least your house is not green! That should put a smile on your dial ;-)


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