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Friday, August 10, 2012

Fridays Letters - Dear Bus People

I'm playing along with Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds and this week's Fridays Letters link up party, why don't you join in the fun and write some letters to! 

I'm going back in time this week and imagining I'm writing this weeks letters from this simple retro set up, tapping away on this blue typewriter and sipping from my fluro pink teacup

Dear Bus People - When there are empty seats on the bus why oh why do you feel the need to sit next to me? Grrrrrr.

Dear Yellow Shiny Things - I see you and I have to buy you. Espresso cups, a vase and rose stud earrings have made it home with me this week. 

Dear Interior Design Course - The course began this week and I'm so excited to be learning something I have such a passion for.

Dear Exterior Painting - Fourth weekend in a row we will be spending outside painting painting and painting some more. If only there was a classic cream nail polish I wouldn't have to keep reapplying my fluro pink nails!

Dear Lotto - $20 million up for grabs on Saturday! If I win it's my dream to get a round the world ticket flying business class ... Pick me Pick me!


[Image via my Pinterest]


  1. Oh that is so funny. I'm the exact opposite. I LOVE when strangers sit next to me on the bus/air plane because I'm that obnoxious person who wants to chat! lol Good luck winning the lotto! haha

  2. How did you like your first day at design school? Can't wait to hear all about it. Did you get homework?

  3. I SO agree about the bus seats. I like my personal bubble, too! I love your cute blog and can't wait to read more :-)


  4. LOL! I can totally relate with the bus seats BUT I swear it's everywhere! The doc's office, a restaurant, public restroom stalls! Come on people, give a girl some breathing room ;) Happy Friday to you!

  5. I love that picture! How pretty! And interior design classes are so much fun! Good luck with the exterior painting, I am definitely not jealous of you for that ;) Have a great Friday!

  6. What is it about yellow these days?! I'm totally addicted to anything and everything yellow too! I just found a pair of pointy toes stilettos in a yellow croc them.

    Nice letters, can't wait to read more of your blog! :)

  7. i dont like when people sit next to me either haha

    Have a great weekend!! Stop by and say hi!

  8. Good luck on that lotto! Hope you get your round-the-world trip! ;)

  9. Oh my gosh I HATED when people would sit next to me on the bus when there were plenty of open seats. So obnoxious. Your house is gorgeous and your blog is adorable! Happy friday!

  10. OHHH!! I love yellow shiny things! I think I need more of them....Yes, yes I do! Have an awesome weekend! And thanks for visiting me!

  11. Ooooh!! I love yellow things! Sounds like you'll have quite the collection! ;)

  12. What great letters! Maybe I'll see you on design star one day right? Winning the lotto would just really take the cake wouldn't it?? Good luck!

  13. Argh I hate it when people do that next to me on buses!? Concept of personal space, anyone...!? o.O

  14. OH MAN. I must have that 'do not go near' sign above my head because whenever public transport is full and I've got a seat spare, no one sits next to me?? Haha it's quite offending.

  15. I wish I could take an interior design course ! I hope you have a blast !

  16. Totally with you on the bus thing . . . or sitting anywhere, actually. Lonely back corners, please and thank you.
    Can't wait to see all you learn in your design course! How cool!

  17. The bus thing is the worst! Which is why I'm the equally annoying person who uses the next seat for my ginormous bag.

  18. bus people...... i would just like to say amen to your letter to them haha


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