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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Griffiths Bros Coffee + A Giveaway

Now that we are into December the start of the festive season it calls for some celebrations ...... So how about a GIVEAWAY!

Australia's oldest coffee roasting company Griffiths Coffee who I discovered earlier this year have rebranded to Griffiths Bros and to celebrate their new brand and new look website they are giving away 5 packs of their delicious coffee to 5 lucky readers!

The Griffiths Bros Flavours of Central America pack has 5 different coffees - Nicarugua Dark, Dicarugua Light, Honduras, Panama and El Salvador single origins. All their coffee is Fairtrade, Organic and RFA certified.

As well as enjoying these coffees in my morning espresso, for something different I have also tried cooking with the coffees.

My favourite for an espresso coffee is El Salvador - San Salvador single origin coffee it has a  nice balanced flavour and smells delicious.
The Nicaragua Dark Single Origin coffee has a chocolatey and spicy flavour and was perfect to use in my home made Tiramasu dessert which I served at an Italian themed dinner party I hosted recently.

The biscuits were soaked in a mixture of coffee and kahlua (a coffee flavoured liquor) which added an amazing flavour to the dish.

What better way to serve the Tiramasu than with some freshly brewed coffee and a nip of kahlua, it was the perfect end to dinner.

The coffee used for the coffee liquor was Honduras - Cocafcol Co-op a fair trade and organic coffee which has a mild smooth flavour and was perfect for this stiff drink!

There are some great recipe ideas on the Cooking With Coffee section of the Griffiths Bros website including one for Tiramisu if you're tempted to make this delicious dessert.
Thanks to Griffiths Bros I have 5 x Flavours of Central America coffee packs each valued at $25 up for grabs for 5 coffee loving readers.

To enter the giveaway:

Like Jarrah Jungle on Facebook and Griffiths Bros on Facebook
and leave a comment answering the giveaway question:
What sweet or savoury recipe would you make with coffee?

Giveaway open to Australian residents only. Giveaway ends on 9 December 2014, 9am WST. Winners will be drawn at random and must have answered the question and liked both Facebook pages. The winners will be contacted and have 48 hours to respond or winners will be redrawn.
Good luck everyone!

Disclosure: Griffiths Bros have provided this product to review and products to giveaway. I have not received any payment or compensation for this review. All opinions are my own. Prizes will be posted to winners within Australia direct from company. This prize cannot be exchanged for money
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For exclusive extras and daily updates ... follow Jarrah Jungle on Facebook and Instagram

[All images my own - Last image via Griffiths Bros]


  1. Ooh yum! I would make an espresso chocolate mousse with orange marscapone whipped cream!!

  2. Coffee Creme Brulee's are my all time favourite but it is closely followed by Grandma's Coffee Cake but I cant make it as good so I leave that one up to Grandma to make for me!!

  3. A coffee cake with cream. Delicious!

  4. Coffee Jelly - A refreshing Japanese summertime treat! My favorite way to serve it is with frozen whipped cream and chocolate sauce, although it's also delicious with ice cream, regular whipped cream, or flavored coffee cream! It can be served solid in glasses, or cubed in bowls.

  5. Coffee braised pot roast! Yummy

  6. A friend recently introduced me to the delights of an affogato...a dessert and a coffee all rolled into one (and SO simple!)

  7. Coffee Muffins with caramel glaze. :)

  8. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Who can go past a coffee and walnut cake- just like my Nanna used to make. Simply scrumptious!

  9. Espresso fudge with macadamia nuts.

  10. Chocolate truffles rolled in ground espresso....caffeine in spades.

  11. My hubby loves Tiramsu so I would have to start with that.

  12. I always use coffee meal in my spice cake (gingerbread). It give it the final dot on the 'i".

  13. My COFFEE MERINGUE CAKE: dessert dish to beat,
    Leaves guests delighted, impressed and replete…
    Sponge, coffee cream, meringue layers. Chocolate too! SWEET!!!

  14. Coffee kisses... the most indulgent treat to enjoy with my afternoon latte! :)

  15. Not sure my first comment posted, so apologies if I post twice... Starbucks-style frappes to keep us cool during the hot Aussie Summer while still delivering our caffeine fix :D

  16. Coffee cake washed down with an iced coffee.

  17. In the spirit of still having my utmost favourites but just adapting them to my new food mindset - raw paleo tiramisu! I'm hungry just thinking about it and it's even better than my Grandma's recipe... but shhh, don't tell Grandma!

  18. Thank you for entering everyone, the winners have been contacted, this giveaway is now closed!


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