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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lighting The Way

I'm ashamed to admit I have only bought 1 light cover for the house so far - a small black chandelier for the master bedroom which you can see a snippet of here. Every single other light in the house is a sad looking naked bulb protruding from the ceiling, and nothing makes a room look unfinished like an ugly bulb I can tell ya!

If I liked simple light shades that would be fine as we can install them ourselves, but I keep going for pendants which need to be fitted by an electrician. And on further inspection of our lighting we realised that there is no earth on our light fittings so not only do we need the electrician to fit the lights for us, we also need him to rewire an earth into each light fitting. This is going to cost us a lot of money so the plan is to keep costs down as much as we can by buying all the light covers we need so the electrician can install them all in one go.

We have already bought lights for the living room and guest bedroom and they are wrapped up in their boxes waiting patiently to be installed. I'm going to move the small black chandelier from the master bedroom into the craft room as I think it will look better in a smaller room.

So all that's left on the wish list for the rooms that we've completed are:

Master Bedroom - A larger light shade something bigger, blingy and dramatic

Man Cave - Something bright and modern and fun

Hallway - A funky glass pendant like these bubble glass chandeliers

Do you find picking lights difficult?
I just can't seem to make a decision and buy something!

[First light from Beacon and all other images via my Pinterest]


  1. we built 5.5 years ago. we have yet to change the light fittings that came standard in our "cheap" house - they are the basic flared shades.

    as you can tell, lighting isn't important to us LOL we have talked about getting a proper light consultant in and getting our lighting overhauled but honestly? i would prefer to spend that vast amount of money on something else. we rarely use our overhead lights [except in the kitchen] and mainly use lamps and uplighters.

    i do love pendants though and would love one over our dining table but considering we move it every so often, that wouldn't work LOL!

    have a great time choosing, that's half the fun!


  2. I love the red pendant above! Would love one in that style in white or black for above our kitchen table but don't think hubby would approve since we've had downlights put in. Downlights are good but don't have a lot of character. Our bedrooms still have the same boring light fittings as when we bought our house almost seven years ago :)

    Hope you have a great weekend x

  3. These are beautiful! Love the whimsical touch to those hanging hat lamps! Enjoy the fabulous weekend, Kellie xx

  4. I LOVE that red pendant! So fab!

  5. I love your wonderful selection of pendants the red one is definitely a favourite xo


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