I love to travel and after just getting back from a trip overseas and still feeling exhilarated, then coming across this inspiring post at the gorgeous The Bottom of the Ironing Basket today, it has made me want to share my own thoughts on travelling.
I swear by the motto The World Is A Book And Those That Don’t Travel Read Only A Page
Thanks to my parents who took my brother and I around the world for 6 months when I was the impressionable age of 18 I got a taste for travelling that I may not have otherwise taken an interest in.
Although I couldn’t even drink in some countries (not that it stopped me!) I was old enough to catch the travelling bug and knew that if I wanted to go back to the places I loved and explore new places I’d have to work hard, save harder and then just DO IT!
Years after that trip I picked up the book 1000 Places To See Before You Die and decided then and there to make my list and plan a trip each year some big overseas and some small interstate, solo and with friends, anything just to pack my bag and go off on an adventure.
What are your best memories from travelling?

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Travelling is so exhilarating and some of my best travel memories are:-
Spending New Years in a different country
Being in Rio de Janeiro for Carnival
Driving thousands of miles across Australia.
Eating seafood daily in Tasmania.
Living a childhood dream and visiting theme parks with my brother in Queensland.
Cruising the seas on cruise ships being treated to 5 star luxury 24/7.
Indulging in fresh figs every morning in Ibiza picked fresh from the tree.
What are your best memories from travelling?