Something that has been on our
To Do List since we moved in is to replace or fix up all the doors throughout the house.
This is because the original doors are 40+ years old and have knocks and bumps in them that no amount of paint can hide.
Our old doors showing their age |
The handles will also be replaced because they're rickety and feel like they are going to come off in your hand when you pull them! I also want the bathroom, powder room and master bedroom to have locks on the doors for privacy.
The quaint old door handles |
We had the same problem with our hallway cupboard doors looking really old and worn but as they are a custom size and it would've been way to expensive to replace the doors so a cheap fix was
to wallpaper the doors and replace the handles.
I love how they came up, they look really unique and you would never know the state of the doors underneath!
We might end up wallpapering the door from
the laundry to the garage as well because it's a custom size and will be quite expensive to replace. As you can see the wall and door frame took a beating when
we ripped out the carport and built a garage extension.
I have the idea of wallpapering the door and entire wall so the door blends into the wall .... I already have some wallpaper samples up!
The shoppers entry - door from the garage into the laundry |
All the rest of our internal doors are a standard size and can be replaced with new doors.
Our first attempt at hanging a door was in
the bathroom after the bathroom renovation but we accidentally hung it upside down, not realising the wider panel should be on the bottom as it's a kick panel.
Ooops! Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is our Jarrah Jungle!!
Since hanging that door we have changed our mind on this style of door with the 4 square pattern which was a
Corinthian - Stanford. We only picked it because it matched our front door, but we are changing our front door because it got damaged and weathered with all the home improvement work out the front -
the render and
new driveway and path to the front door being laid.
See everything happens for a reason doesn't it!
Our old front door .... weathered and worn from the front of the house improvements |
The new front door we picked up second hand for a bargain price when we were looking for
our french doors. It retails for $1400 and we paid $200.
It needs to be sealed to bring out the wood grain and we have the handle and lock for it, then it's ready to hang. We might try to hang this ourselves although external doors are a bit tricky to get perfect so otherwise we'll get the door installer who
hung the french doors for us to help.
Our sexy new front door |
All the internal doors we are going to hang ourselves. When I say us of course I mean Mr P .... while I give encouraging words and make sandwiches and pour refreshing drinks!
These are the internal doors we have chosen. They are a
Corinthian - Rockport brand and sell for $53
from Bunnings and
Masters but we managed to get a discount of $6 per door and got them for $47 each.
Our new internal doors |
The doors have a smooth skin with no wood grain and the rectangle pattern kind of mimics
the floorboards throughout the house. They have character but aren't too modern and out of place for our 1960s home.
Up close pattern details |
We will also put on new door handles but we haven't picked them out yet. The more types and choices there are the harder it is to pick one!
All the doors will need a few coats of paint as well, which is a job I can help with in between my sandwich queen duties of course!
The house is going to look a million bucks once the new doors are hung, they will really improve the look of the place not to mention be so much nicer to open and close without the fear of the handle ending up in my hand!
I will write a separate DIY post on hanging the doors .... up the right way this time!
Do you have any hints and tips for hanging a door?
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[All images my own]
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